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As my teenage contemporaries random refurbished homes with large areas of the bathroom tissue, I was busy practicing on my review of violin five hours a day. My mother did not even remember to practice.
Musicians have argued that the practice is of fundamental importance for the development of each player. Jascha Heifetz, perhaps in the 20th Century, the most amazing violinist, said: "If I do one day of practice, I know, I know two days, the critics who, three days knows, the publicit. "
For something that is so important for musicians, it is surprising that so many players is to resist. Telling a child of the practice may ask how he / she eat Brussels sprouts or clean his room. As a teacher of violin, I have to do with the dreaded "P" word, every week. (This also applies to adults!)
What practice is so terrible?
Priority: is the joint resolution: "I have no time to practice." In fact, in the end is not thata "complete meal". Players incredible practice every day does not work 28 hours a day. Students who exercise regularly have simply made exercise a priority. These people devoted to exercise and enjoy their benefits, so that they are sacrificing other activities to make time for their game.
This does not mean you should give his right arm as an offering to the gods, ruthless practice. You can use a little 'less on the TV or computer, or maybe you should ignore the Ringing of the phone until they are finished. A nip and tuck here and there can be up to a past not so long.
Be inspired: The key to exercise is inspired fun. For example, when a musician hears through a favorite song or role model he / she is forced to practice. Inspiration often comes during the visit of a live concert and meet a famous musician. Just ask those who have seen a famous musician play live in> Anything.
Perhaps the material you are working with too dry for your tastes? Maybe you're not challenged enough? Discuss suggestions, or lack thereof with your teacher or another musician, is back on track.
Goal of: Many players thrive playing definition and achievement of objectives as a group to carry forward a bit ambitious, or into the celebration or to learn about a concert scheduled. My best music came fromFeelings and inspired to achieve personal goals.
Every summer, I ask my students to the following objectives for the event and also for 1 year, 5 years and 10 years. Your responses are staggering, more than half aspire to teach violin and many other days, only more confidence and play the players want to pay for this!
Checkpoints: My job as a teacher is to help students achieve their goals. Create guidelines for timely goals, includingCheckpoints to ensure the actions of the players are lined up with their final destination.
For example, if the goal of a student is a master agreement, we make sure that the steps to learn the piece together with the technology and explains the necessary skills. "I will practice this exercizes for two months, and the month of December are the 5 position."
Sometimes this practice is the excercizes, scales and theory, but sometimes it is easy as filling out a book or gainmore public confidence through performance. With the creation of roadblocks in the intervals convenient to be sure to be on the right path and the goal to make it appear less daunting.
And then, life is a journey not a destination. Enjoy the journey to reach your goal, and once you get there you will find many additional way to explore in the future.
Goals can change, I always started a list of short-term and long term goals for me, one week, one monthsix months, and 1, 2, 5, 10-three-year targets. Sometimes the goals are changed, that is fine, because I always learn and grow. What was important to me 10 years ago, might not be a big thing for me. The important
Incentives reward: All we have to work. Just as Brussels sprouts, contribute to physical health, the practice contributes to better musicianship. However, the musicality is not only visible from a 5-year-olds.
Teachers and parents are invited toOffer fun incentives for practice. Children are rewarded with stickers, good ice cream and other delicacies. My students can practice may earn "Fiddlebucks" to its being used to buy jewelry and toys.
These programs work for most children, but also the labels may become passé after a while '. Children should be encouraged to aspire to higher goals, and higher premiums. After the repression my students progress, they, their Fiddlebucks spending on premiums in the long term, such as savingLunch with the teacher, who is earning more than a year.
How to practice: Even if students understand the benefits and opportunities to practice, many do not know know exactly * how * to practice. Each teacher has specific needs and expectations, but it works normally my "home / focus / Playtime" routine is the best.
Start: The student expands and heats up, with long, clear tones, then scales and arpeggios, and finally, a warm-up piece orexercise.
Focus: Here the student is working on new and exciting pieces, with attention to detail and correct the errors, but also focusing on its strengths. Focus allows the player to improve and promote confidence.
Play Time: The Best News is Playtime, the songs if assessments of students preferred and have fun. Tasks such as playing with the radio (ear training) in disguise, the recording itselfComposition and improvisation are all pleasurable activities that can motivate a player.
Homework: Sometimes I assign "homework Violin" for students of all ages. The tasks range from "You paint a picture of your violin," "plays a concert for your family" and "write a report about your favorite or a famous violinist." It is interesting to note that all children love these special tasks and always inspired and motivated to practice.
For example, one of myStudents via e-mail Natalie MacMaster for an essay project and was encouraged by Natalie, herself, "playing the violin every day." The Cape Breton-Canadian fiddler said, "It 'really make things better."
Consistency: Do not know how many times I heard, "I wanted to practice, but it escapes me." Consistency is the key step to enjoy the practice successfully. The truth is that the practice is better and easier if done consistently. The more you practiceThe more we are inspired to practice.
Having a difficult time with consistency? I'm sure that still manage to eat and sleep every day, allowing the possibility that, in practice, you will receive if everything worked one of those programs! Play only after waking or right before bedtime. Do you eat lunch, halfway between the warm-up and listen. If you make it a routine is harder to ignore and let the day actually get it done! There are no more guilty lessons!
Sometimes it is not possible for any gameDays, but it makes a huge difference. For players just starting a consistent routine, it is best to do two shorter practices rather than one long. Go to full steam rubber a player and makes them less inclined to want to do it again. Will be left with more energy after a couple of streamlining procedures and gradually extend them.
Family support: E 'extremely important that parents or spouses of aspiring musicians to offer incentivesplayers. Never take notes or bitter fun saying things like: "if you practice, is not that we take the lessons." Ups and downs of the family's role is to support the players as master their art.
Other benefits: For students who still have difficulty establishing a practice routine I suggest you keep an opt-out washing dishes, dinner and serenade the dishwasher every night. It's amazing how fast they know directly, ifThe dishes! There are countless other "benefits" (apologies for l '), from work to practice, that you and your family can be ordered.
I spent my formative years either grounded or grounded through mummification occasional landscape. However, in the 542 times I was on the ground, it is never my dear mother took my violin. I felt my violin sadly from my prison cell to be read: "Nobody knows the trouble I have seen."
And I really liked.
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